Why You Should Read Every Day

No one reads books anymore – really? For some reason, people love saying this – a lot! But is it true? A recent Pew survey found that nearly three-quarters of Americans, or 74%, consumed at least one book in 2017. Print still remains the most popular format with 67% of Americans claiming to have read at least one print book in the last year. So, what’s changed? Well, people are now consuming books in different ways, because they have more options. We’re reading eBooks and listening to audiobooks more than we used to. Is this really so surprising? People are busy, but they still love to read.

Daily readers know that reading makes them feel good and they enjoy getting lost in a good story. Most of us don’t really need an excuse to pick up a book. But if you’re looking for reasons to feel good about reading or simply want to find ways to spread the good word about how it’s essential to our overall well-being – we have some facts you’ll enjoy.

Top 5 Reasons to Read Books Daily

1. Reading Improves Brain Function

reading alzheimers

A person who reads everyday gets better at it over time. Not surprisingly, daily readers also gain more enjoyment from it than those that read less often. It can even improve memory and critical thinking skills. And activities like reading have been linked to a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

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Reading, Chess May Help Fight Alzheimer’s

Here’s Why Your Brain Needs to Read Every Single Day

Does Reading Matter?

2. Reading Reduces Stress

Modern life is stressful – period. Reading may reduce stress more than walking, listening to music or playing games. When people read a really engrossing book it actively engages their imagination, which in turn distracts from daily stresses (at least for a little while).

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How Reading Reduces Stress: Read for a Better Life

How Reading Books Reduces Stress and Makes You Smarter at the Same Time

How Reading Reduces Stress, Enhances Empathy and More

good for you reading less stress large image

3. Reading Can Improve Your State of Mind

readers and self esteem PBS

People who are well read tend to be more empathetic and have higher self-esteem. When we read about other people it introduces the idea that people are human. We’re all different, we have flaws, things are not always perfect and that’s okay.

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Novel Finding: Reading Literary Fiction Improves Empathy

Why Reading Makes You Self-Confident

Does Reading Fiction Make You a Better Person?

4. Reading Improves Overall Wellness

Spending 30 minutes a day reading a good book does a body good (and burns calories – who knew?). People who read daily may live longer. And reading before bed can help improve sleep. Just try not to stay up all night reading unless you have zero obligations the next day.

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Reading Books Might Help You Live Longer

Five Ways Reading Can Improve Health and Well-Being

8 Science-Backed Reasons to Read a (Real) Book

Why Reading Books Should Be Your Priority, According to Science

reading burns calories PBS

5. Reading Aloud to Children Has a Lasting Impact

read aloud to children

Reading aloud to children from day one is incredibly important. And making it part of the daily routine helps children to cultivate good reading habits and a love of reading. It can have a lasting impact on a child’s life. These children tend to have higher vocabularies and often become frequent readers themselves.

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Reading aloud to children, more than talking, builds literacy

8 Tips to Help Young Children Develop Good Reading Habits

How to Raise a Reader

The Great American Read

Do you know about “The Great American Read?” It’s a television series from PBS that has sparked a national conversation about reading and the top 100 most loved books. The 8 part series features people from all over America talking about their favorite books.

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